Author Guidelines for Research Grant Applications
At Project Bubaloo we have a mission to spread community awareness and advance the quality of care for those affected by congenital heart disease. We have a vision to live in a world where congenital heart disease no longer limits a person’s life.
Quality improvement, evidence-based practice and research projects will be considered for funding. All departments including but not limited to surgery, anesthesia, critical care, nursing, cardio-genetics, PT/OT/speech therapy, behavioral health and nutrition are encouraged to apply. Please submit applications in PDF form to by September 3rd, 2024.
Cover Page
(No more than one page)
Project Title
Principle Investigator name, email, and phone number
Co-Investigator name(s)
Institution Director or Development Officer’s name, email, and phone number
Total Dollar Amount Requested
Brief description of how your project aligns with Project Bubaloo’s Mission and Vision, and how the findings of this project will impact the future of people with congenital heart disease (no more than 250 words)
Principal Investigator’s Biosketch, or CV
Include a personal statement summarizing your experience, and ability to complete this project. Identify any barriers to your project, and confirm you have the resources, time, and institutional support to be successful.
Permitted costs: ancillary costs, research supplies, salary support for technical staff, travel costs directly associated with the project or dissemination of results
Non-permitted costs: investigator salary support, indirect costs
Please use our budget template
Include a brief statement of your budget and justification of your funding request. If partial funding was offered, include in your statement whether or not the completion of your project is feasible
Signed Acknowledgment Statement
Complete this form and send it along with your application.
Project Description (750 word limit)
Expected Outcome(s) and Goal(s)
Pilot Results/Current State (if applicable)
IRB approval statement (if applicable)
Demonstrate the IRB/IACUC approval statement has been submitted, and if not approved estimated approval date